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Writer's pictureNishant B Kumar

Unveiling My Potential: A Yoga & Kalari Journey at Mokshahum

Updated: Feb 17

Yo yo yo, adventure seekers!  Let me tell you about my wild ride at Mokshahum, a retreat center nestled high up in the Himalayas (5,000 feet high, no less!). This ain't your average gym with fluorescent lights and thumping techno – think ancient yogic practices, meditative movement, and unleashing your inner creative beast.

So, why Mokshahum? Well, opportunity knocked, and I answered!  This place was still under construction when I arrived, but I wanted to acclimatize to the chilly weather (coming from toasty Kerala, brrr!). Adapting to 5-6 degrees Celsius was a shock, but hey, I'm a fast learner.

My days here are a blend of routine and exploration. Mornings start with an invigorating riyaz (practice session), followed by a hot shower (essential!), chanting, and meditation. By 9 AM, I'm fueled up with breakfast and ready to dive into the fascinating world of yoga, anatomy, and the human body (thanks to the magic of internet!).

From noon to 2 PM, it's time to get physical! Yoga, kalaripayattu (an ancient martial art), and gymnastics keep my body and mind sharp. After lunch and a well-deserved rest, I unwind with movies or videos (gotta stay informed about that world stuff, you know?).

Evenings are for reflection and creativity. After chai and snacks, I hit the mat for another hour of riyaz, letting my inner artist flow. Later, I catch up on current affairs with YouTube (gotta stay politically woke, fam!).  Dinner refuels me for a peaceful night's sleep.

Living here has been a revelation. Open windows, chanting in a dhoti with the sun on my skin – it's all about connecting with nature and myself.  Every Tuesday, I trek 5 km to the temple, soaking in the serenity of the Himalayas. The dense rainforest below is like a yoga studio straight outta Mother Nature's catalogue.  The peace here washes away stress and negativity like magic. ✨

The people are amazing too – generous, kind, and far removed from the greed of city life.  Homestays are a big thing here, supported by the government, and the locals even have their own herbal pharmacy growing in the forest (don't mess with those plants, the government's watching!).  They use spring water, and guess what? I'm part of the club now (with a little heating, of course)!

And let's not forget the food! Fumbi, Aloo Thumpka, momos – my taste buds are having a party.  Watching Kanchenjunga from my window every morning? Priceless. ️

This shift in my life has been incredible. I'm following the universe's whispers, feeling free and flowing with the rhythm. My mental and physical health are shining, and I finally feel balanced, even with all the other stuff life throws my way.

So, if you're looking for an adventure that'll challenge you, connect you to nature, and unleash your inner peace warrior, Mokshahum might just be your calling. Remember, mountains, meditation, and maybe a momo or two await! ✌️

P.S. This is just a taste of my journey. Stay tuned for more Mokshahum musings! ✨

Nishant B. Kumar

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